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Religion is more about man than it
is about God, and that is the way God wants it to be.
![]() ![]() ![]() In-Depth "Biblical-Torah Kabbalah" & "Prophetic" Meditation
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A number of Kabbalistic subject very rarely ever discussed in English. Scroll down to review to the individual topics.
This is a text of classical, pre-Lurianic Kabbalah, written in 1559, by Rabbi Yosef Menahem of Egypt.
This course is a comprehensive overview of spiritual topics written for everyday people, explaining all the deeply symbolic language of the Kabbalah in a practical, easy to understand format. Class 1 - The Limitation of Present Human Consciousness. From Hatzer HaOhel, the books introductory essays. The limitation of present human consciousness. A limited mind cannot understand a limitless universe. There are thus natural boundaries to scientific exploration. Reality is experienced with elements of mind beyond the intellect. Without these there is no perception of higher truths and realities. Creation, the beginning, and the Primordial Light. What was the first Light to manifest out of that which is unknown and unknowable? Creation is understood as the emanation and evolution of universal consciousness, it is always happening outside of time. The first Light, Keter, is the source of life and sentience. Donate here Listen here Class 2 - The Ten Names of God. The Secret of the Number Ten An overall introduction into the subjective nature of religious philosophy. The ten Names of God. The secret of the Number Ten. The relationship between theoretical Kabbalistic teachings and those of the sacred number systems of Pythagoras. The secret of the Decad (tetraktys), a reading from Porphyry. Is the Zohar the authentic teachings of the 2nd century Sage, Rabbi Shimon Bar Yohai? The authority of the Zohar in Jewish Law according to both Rabbi Yosef Karo (Sephardi) and Rabbi Moshe Isserles (Ashkenazi). The original script of Torah, was it Paleo-Hebrew or modern Hebrew. The psychological nature and meaning of myth and its application to conflicting world views. Comments about world religions, spiritual movements and what exactly is (and is not) idolatry by Biblical standards. Donate here Listen here Class 3 - The Secrets of Life. the Secrets of Prophetic Meditation The secrets of life. The secrets of prophetic meditation, heart-led, not head-led. The secret of the Hebrew letters. Letters are forms for thoughts. Thought is the primordial Light in the beginning of creation. Thought, as expressed through “light,” structured the laws of nature from which came forth creation. Biocentrism, life and consciousness led to the creation of the universe, not the other way around. Torah is primordially quantum in nature, existing in multiple simultaneous forms. Only as things progressed here on Earth as they did, were the words, sentences and books of Torah formed (teaching of the Ba'al Shem Tov). Permuting the Hebrew letters mean going out into nature and exploring the true forms of reality and how lower reality reflects higher reality. Force and form (tzurah and homer). Letter permutation exercises must be from the heart, not the head. There can be no rigid form or structure, but an allowance for the free flow of both feelings and thought. Angels have physical forms. Those denying this are condemned. Donate here Listen here Class 4 - The Secrets of Consciousness The secrets of consciousness. God is defined as the consciousness, sentience and life of existence. The ultimate source is unknowable because it exists above and beyond knowledge itself. The sefirot are forces in nature. Natural forces can be seen in expression but they cannot be seen outside their expressions, so too is it with the sefirot. The sefirot are expression of the primordial consciousness and express how consciousness expresses itself from potential into actual. Physics, biology, psychology and spirituality are all one and the same. Each influences and follow the pattern of the other. Force exists before form and directs form to materialize according to a teleological pattern. Keter, the crown of the sefirot is the source of consciousness and can be called “dark consciousness,” just as we refer today to dark matter and dark energy. Keter is the source of the individual self, which is but an expression from the great collective, the Primordial Origin of all. That which is at first is called Nothing, because it is beyond all somethings, including any thought that tries to conceive of it. Donate here Listen here Class 5 - Sefirot of the Mind Sefirot of the Mind. The concepts of metaphysics and mysticism can clearly be documented to have a Grecian connection. Maimonides and the Kabbalah are not opposed to one another, on the contrary their views are similar and come from similar sources. Quotes from Maimonides in his Guide to the Perplexed and his Laws of Torah Foundations. The sefirot are structures of mind, thought and consciousness. They exist in all things everywhere. Keter, Hokhma and Binah form a triad of thought that materializes that which is unknown into that which can be known. Thought is fluid and essentially quantum in nature, in that reality is subject to many different forms and only by observation does one form take dominance over another. This is the relationship between fluid Hokhma and rigid Binah. Wisdom and understanding are the archetypes of the collective unconscious and the conscious mind that seeks to make sense of them. Donate here Listen here Class 6 - Hesed & Gevurah, a Deeper Look into the Life Force & Death Force. The Sefirot of Hesed and Gevurah are presented here as actual energy forces, and not explained in the traditional psychological manner. The concepts of the theoretical school, while mentioned are also not focused upon. Focus is upon what is considered to be the “magical” (higher natural) elements of these forces and their relationship to Ruah HaKodesh (the Divine spirit). This lesson focuses on how Hesed and Gevurah, as actual Forces of energy, channel that which we understand as life and death. The is life-force energy and there is death force energy. Examples of both are given. Reference is made to Wilhelm Reich and orgone. Examples include the relationship and usage of these energies by the Biblical patriarchs Abraham and Isaac. The tool of the Shofar. The El entities, the Elohim entities and the Watcher Dragons. Who is Samael, what is the Evil Inclination, what happened in Eden and what is death. Rabbi Akiva, and the 4 who ascended into the Pardes. Donate here Listen here Class 7 - Tiferet, our Parallel Universe The Sefirat Tiferet gives rise to the parallel universe which we know as Heaven. This is the parallel dimension next to ours, which we call the spiritual domain. This is where the unknown Creator becomes known to us as YHWH, Active Being. The sexual creation of our universe. The difference between physical Jacob and spiritual Israel. How the Zohar, Ekev 73 compares to the Christian book of John 1. The entities of the Merkava, the secret of 4. Balance and alignment, how everything above is a mirror reflection to all that is below. The secret of the Small Face and how it relates the the Big Face. How Torah says that Moses spoke with God face-to-face and then it portrays God as saying no man can see My Face and live, how and why, this is so. Donate here Listen here Class 8 - The Anchor and the Ladder of Ascent, the Four Final Sefirot Tiferet is Heaven and Malkhut is Earth. Netzah, Hod and Yesod is what binds the two together. This is true psychologically within the human psyche. This is also true of energy patterns that unite the parallel universes. The YHWH Tzvaot are the angels of YAH, the higher court who receive the directives from above. The ELOHIM Tzvaot are the angels of EL, the lower court, the Watchers, who receive their instructions from above and implement these directives, direction the course of events on Earth. Yesod is creative energy. Netzah and Hod are energy expressions of Tiferet. When these are properly aligned within the individual and expressed properly through one's actions, they serve as the doorway to prophecy and the ladder of ascent. All is male and female, Dual Faced. Donate here Listen here Class 9 - The Delicate Balance/Dance Between Heaven and Earth The secret of the concealment of light, the lessening of the moon, the supernal atonement sacrifice and the new moon offering. Leviathan, Behemoth, and the Bull of the Merkava. The parallel dimensions of heaven and earth, the “spiritual” and physical exist in the relationship that they do for an important reason, and purpose for both of them. Originally, both universes operated in accordance to the same rules of natural law, but “two cannot rule under the same crown.” Thus the “moon” was lessened. This lesson explains what this means energetically and psychologically, and also details what is the future of our universe and of our human race. Many metaphors in classical literature are used to describe these matters and are explained herein. Donate here Listen here Class 10 - Sabbath Consciousness, Prophecy and the Psychological Apocalypse Our universe is Malkhut, the Kingdom. It is in a relationship of balance with the parallel universe, which we call heaven. The two are symbolized as bonded sexually. When the two are in harmony, through human consciousness, a state of balance and harmony exists. This is the foundation of the Sabbath. The laws of the Sabbath help the body to create the state through which the mind can become connected. Prophecy works in this same state of consciousness, when the two universes are connected through human consciousness. When imbalance between humanity and the natural order exists in the collective consciousness, it is felt as an unconscious premonition of doom. This explains the prevalence of the sense of impending apocalypse. Essentially Sabbath and apocalypse are two opposing focuses of collective and individual consciousness, one towards harmony, the other towards destruction. We can influence this for good. This lessons teaches how. Donate here Listen here Class 11 - The Torah of Metatron The Youth, the Little YHWH, the Merkava of the Shekhina, these are just some of the descriptions ascribed to this angel, who originally was the man Enoch ben Yared. What the name Metatron means, how he appears in original Enochian literature, and how this was later interpreted in both Jewish and Christian circles. The difference between Metatron and Meetatron (spelled in Hebrew with an extra letter Yod). The relationship between Enoch, Adam and Mashiah. Metatron(s) and the higher souls of humanity that did not fall in Eden along with Adam. The seventy (92) names of Metatron, why he has so many, and their relationship to Malakhi 1:11. References to the Metatron series based on the book Sodei Razia of Rabbi Eliezer of Germiza. See also: Secrets of the Archangel Metatron. Donate here Listen here Class 13 - Reincarnation in Kabbalah and Judaism Reincarnation in Kabbalah and Judaism. Since the revelation of the Zohar, reincarnation has become an integral belief in most of Torah Judaism. Yet, prior to the revelation of the Zohar, there seems to be no literally record of its acceptance within any Torah circles. The earlier mystical Torah traditions of the Merkava, Hekhalot and apocalyptic schools are all silent on it, as are the Hasidei Ashkenaz. This class discusses this absence, and also how this is to be understood in light of Torah, Judaism and Halakha. This class also outlines foundations of just who and what is an authentic Rabbi (yoreh yoreh and yadin yadin), and what is the proper, respectful path for scholarly dialogue. There are variant opinions with regards to many issues within Judaism. This lesson addresses how we might best come to discuss divergent issues. Donate here Listen here
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The Works of Ariel Bar Tzadok |