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The School of R. Ariel B. Tzadok

Teaching the
Bible & Orthodox Judaism,
The original, Biblical Kabbalah, & Prophetic Meditation
We emphasize personal, spiritual experience over detached philosophical academics.
All of our courses are geared towards removing fundamentalism, extremism, superstitions, and prejudice from religion.

Bible, Judaism
An Orthodox Rabbi Reads the Christian Bible
(The Book of Matthew)

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Important Introduction - Please read before taking the course.

My purpose and intent in teaching this course is simple, I want to be able to explain, why Torah Judaism, and Torah faithful Jews do not, and will not, accept, or embrace, the teachings of the Christian religion.


I have no intentions or desire in this course to attack the religion of Christianity.  I am not here to challenge, or critique, those who embrace the Christian faith.  I am not here to talk about Christianity at all,  even though due to the nature of this material, I am sure that I will not be able to avoid the topic entirely.  Nevertheless, I am here to look at the Christian Bible  from an entirely Torah point of view.


I begin with certain premises.  I do not deny the existence of an historical Yeshu, be he called Yeshua or what.  For Torah faithful Jews, Yeshu was not, is not and can never be the Messiah of Israel.  For Torah faithful Jews, Yeshu was not, is not and can never be God, or even a son of god, anymore than any other human being of flesh and blood.


For the record, the historical Yeshu, was born, lived as, and died as a Jew.  He, and his original followers, were all Jews, who like him,  were born, lived as, and died as Jews.  Absolutely none of them were Christians, in any sense of the word.  We Torah faithful Jews follow the same religion that Yeshu himself practiced.  We pray to the same Heavenly Father.  We live by the same Torah, mitzvot and ma'asim tovim.  Yeshu was not a Christian, and neither are we.


Yeshu's original followers were all Torah observant Jews as was he.  As Jews, educated in Torah, drenched in its teachings, and from what can be seen,  knowing no other spiritual path,  I must logically conclude that the original writings of Yeshu's original followers, were all Jewish writings, and therefore well within my domain as a Torah observant Rabbi to read them and understand them, as would one rabbi to another.  I therefore begin with the position that anything found in the Christian Bible, attributed to any of its Jewish authors, that does not agree with Torah Judaism must not have been written by such an author, and is therefore subject to suspicious and must be critically analyzed.  And that is what I am here to do.


Like many Torah Sages before me, I do not accept Talmudic midrash about Yeshu at face value.  Those teachings were meant to be polemic, not historical.  Therefore, they will not be part of our discussions.


I have been led to perform this work because of the experiences in my personal life.  As a teenager, I was victimized by a terrible evangelical group in my home town on Long Island.  This group was led by very evil, lying deceitful individual, who turned out to also be a pedophile. I am thankful that I was able to escape being victimized in that way, nevertheless, this individual, sought to clandestinely place his minions in Orthodox yeshivot in Israel, to get them to learn about Judaism, with the attempt to make it easier for them to persuade Jews to convert, and join their fold.  I fought long and hard against this group, and am proud of my contributions in thwarting their efforts.  It was through them and because of them that I became exposed to Christianity, and have therefore devoted the last 40 years of my life, to study, and investigation to discover whatever of the truth that is still out there to be discovered. Now, after 40 years, I feel confident and ready to share my insights and discoveries with you.


So, again I reiterate, I am not here to attack our God fearing, Bible believing Christian neighbors, I hold them in the highest esteem and respect.  I am here to explain to you, to them, and to all willing to listen, what we Torah faithful Jews see when we read the Christian Bible,

and why we see what we do.


Note: Throughout the course, I refer to Jesus by his original Aramaic name, Yeshu.  This was the common vernacular at that time, Aramaic names were used as often as were Hebrew.  Over centuries of polemics and persecutions, some have wrongly come to interpret Jesus' original name as some type of derogatory slur.  This is false.  Using Yeshu's original Aramaic name should in no way be interpreted negatively, or be misinterpreted to be cause for offense.


The individual titles in this course are:


Course Outline & Parameters. Matthew, Chapter 1
Laying down the fundamental principles that serve as our parameters for this course.
An introduction into Jewish methods of Torah study and religious writings, with emphasis on Midrash, a moralistic, metaphorical rendition of scripture, intentionally outside of its literal meanings.
An overall understanding of what it means to be the messiah in Judaism.
A discussion of the name Yeshu, Yeshua.
Yeshu in history, the Jewish reasons behind the original schism.
Yeshu was a political figure, not a religious one.
Yeshu was a zealot, reference to the Midrash of Shimon Kipah from Sefer Otzar HaMidrashim, and the writings of Christian theologian, the Manchester University professor, S.G.F. Brandon.
Matthew, Chapter 1.
When Matthew calls his “rebbe” Yeshu the messiah, his intentions were obviously political.
This is made even clearer by the remaining teachings in this chapter.
Matthew uses over and over again midrashic methods to aggrandize the genealogy and birth stories of his “rebbe,” with the intent to solidify for him political authority, for the term “messiah,” was in those days, political, and not religious.
Discussion of the “virgin birth,” and how it should properly be understood.
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Matthew, Chapters 2 & 3
Yeshu born in Bethlehem? Why would this be necessary when the prophecy in Micah does not require the messiah to be born there?
Who were the wise men from the east ? Persian astrologers? Does Matthew's reference to a star over Yeshu's birth indicate a belief in, and practice of, astrology? Some Christian scholars have said yes!
Why would Joseph have to travel to Bethlehem for a census that would not occur for another ten years? Also, the census taker would have traveled to take the census, no one would have had to travel to him. Major discrepancies between Yeshu being born when Herod was king, and when this census is taken 10 years later. This indicates that not everything is literal or “gospel truth.”
Herod allegedly kills children in Bethlehem, however there is absolutely no record of this happening. All these stories seem to indicate a desire to build a mystique around Yeshu's birth, similar to stories we see today spun about the lives of famous rabbis.
John the Baptist, a good Jew, an end-of-days preacher teaching teshuva and mikvah, Jewish concepts and practices still observed today by the Torah faithful.
The baptism/mikvah connection. The ba'al teshuva/born again connection.
The hypocrisy of the religious in those days, condemned equally by John, Yeshu, and the Talmud!
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Matthew, Chapters 3b & 4
This lesson again attempts to distinguish the myth of the Jesus of Christianity from the actual Yeshu of history.
The episodes in these chapters indicate the Yeshu was clandestinely building a relationship with certain Essenic organizations, who, as is known, had a reputation for separatism and violence.
John “baptizes” Yeshu. Yeshu is thus showing his affiliation with John's separatist movement. He then goes out into the desert practicing a vision quest meditative ritual, the likes of which are still practiced to this day in certain mystical circles. This was clearly his initiation into the Essenic order, most likely, the one associated with John. This group was known in Maccabean times as the Hasidim, and they were known as zealots. It was this same group that assisted Judah Macabee in the Hanuka war, and now Yeshu comes to align with them, hoping that they will align with him.
Yeshu then builds his following, and practices traditional Essenic medicinal cures.
From our Torah point of view, we see this this segment of the Yeshu story the beginnings of a political party (the Kingdom of Heaven), that would soon vie for political power here on Earth.
Yeshu was not trying to save man from their sins, but rather save Israel from the oppression of the Romans. This message comes through loud and clear when the text is read from a Torah point of view.
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Matthew, Chapter 5a, The Sermon of the Mount in Light of Torah
Christianity has long held its level of morality to be the highest, and superior to that found in Judaism. However, as this class shows, Christian moral teachings, found here in the Sermon of the Mount, are actually all Jewish teachings. This class shows how Yeshu's original teachings were all founded in previous Torah literature.
When Yeshu spoke, there were then no Christians, or Christianity. Yeshu was speaking about Judaism, and he was speaking exclusively to Jews.
Essentially, what we have here is the Torah of Yeshu, and we find it to be completely in line with and in context with the traditional Rabbinic teachings of his day.
This is no new revelation. Church Fathers saw this centuries ago.
Readings from Rabbi Gerald Friedlander's 1911 book called, The Jewish Sources of the Sermon on the Mount.
The important of being the light of the world, the light unto the nations. This light is not the Gospel, there was no Gospel when Yeshu spoke this. He was referring to the Torah, and how Israel and the suffering servant in Isaiah, serves Heaven by shing the light of Torah to the world.
Various other Jewish laws and observances are discussed. Each show how Yeshu was following the traditional Rabbinic edict to make a fence around the Torah.
The Sermon of the Mount is an example of a traditional Torah derasha of musar. There is essentially nothing Christian about it at all.
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Matthew, Chapter 5b-6, The Sermon of the Mount in Light of Torah, Part 2
So much of Yeshu's original teachings can easily be found in the traditional Rabbinic literature of the time.
So much that Christianity holds dear is actually traditional Torah teachings known and embraced by Torah faithful Jews to this day.
Topics covered include: the danger of taking vows, and the common Torah observance of reciting “bli neder” (without a vow).
What it means, “an eye for an eye,” and what it means to “turn the other cheek,” how this is understood in light of the Roman oppression of the day.
Forgiving enemies, readings from the Bedtime Shema prayers.
Yeshu's derogatory references to Gentiles.
Condemnation of religious hypocrisy, not unique to Yeshu, readings from the Talmud (Sotah) about the types of hypocritical Pharisees.
Prayer closets and the silent Amidah.
The Lord's Prayer” and similar Talmudic versions of short prayers.
References to the Ba'al Shem Tov on how we are judged in accordance to how we judge others.
Value of Talmud Torah as opposed to working overtime just for financial gain.
The Kingdom of God, as a political entity on Earth, and not some nebulous reward in the afterlife.
All topics are covered with the hope and intent to build bridges and to solicit respect for the teachings of Torah.
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Matthew, Chapter 7-8a, The Sermon of the Mount in Light of Torah, Part 3
Famous Christian teachings and their sources in classical Torah literature.
Judge not, and be not judged, as found in both the Talmud and in the teachings of the Hasidic master, the Ba'al Shem Tov.
The Golden Rule, found in the Talmud as originally taught by Hillel.
Yeshu's reference to dogs indicates his prejudice towards certain Gentiles.
False teachers and false prophets have to be understood in the original Jewish setting as warnings against those who teach to violate the commandments of the Torah.
How Yeshu's words, common as they were, were really received by his listeners.
Did they say he spoke with authority (moshel), or did they really say that he spoke in parables (mashal), so unlike the Scribes who spoke clearly.
Yeshu may indeed have been a healer, like many rabbis living both before him and after him. Many rabbis have worked miracles. Many rabbis were natural healers. The Essenes, as a group, were known as healers. It is not far fetched to believe that Yeshu had Essenic training and might have been adept in their healing arts.
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Matthew, Chapter 8b-9a, Yeshu the “healer” & all about real demonic possession.
The Talmud and later Torah literature is filled with stories of Sages who performed many miracles and healed many who were sick. To this day, we have numerous tales of exorcisms. Yet, there are stories, and then there is how things actually occur.
This lessons looks at Yeshu as a healer and at the casting out of demons, and recognizes that the stories, in their present form, do not fit the realities of actual, or psychological demonic possession.
This lesson includes a full discussion on the nature of actual possessions and psychological one, with many examples being provided.
Yeshu might indeed have been a healer, many other Rabbis in his day were also.
Other curiosities about Yeshu's travels and how they seem to indicate (or validate) that his movement was a political one of the zealot faction.
The concept and importance of faith and mercy in Judaism, and how Christianity has never properly seen how these values are fundamental to Torah and Judaism.
The term Son of Man (Ben Adam/Bar Nash), should properly and accurately be translated as “human being,” without any greater context.
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Matthew, Chapter 9b-10, Yeshu the zealot prepares for war.
Christianity does not want to see that the historical Yeshu was clearly in close contact with the Zealot party, and the Assassins, known as the Sicari. This is clear in that two of his top twelve disciples are named, Simon the Zealot, and Judah Iscariot (which means Sicari, which was the type of knife used by the assassins, and thus from where they got their name).
Yeshu spoke of the coming kingdom of heaven, this kingdom was to be the imminent reconstitution of the monarchy of House David as the legitimate government over Israel, replacing both the Herodian monarchy, and Roman rule. Needless to say, this type of talk and action was insurrection, and treason, and if the disciples were discovered preaching this “gospel,” like any other terrorist, they would have been arrested, tried and punished. This explains why Yeshu told his followers that they would be persecuted, and killed. This is why he told them to pick up the cross and follow him. This was a call for religious martyrdom. The cross was originally an image of Jewish martyrdom long before it became the symbol of the Christian religion.
Yeshu says that he comes not to bring peace, but a sword. From every other context that we can see, this was meant to be taken literally, as a call to gather forces to rise in insurrection. In its original context, this statement cannot be interpreted metaphorically, as some apologists insist.
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Matthew, Chapter 11-12a, Yeshu's Jewish Teachings about Reincarnation, Dominance of Judaism and Shabat Observance.
Yeshu claims that John the Baptist is Elijah the Prophet. This can only be true if there is such a thing as reincarnation. Judaism believes in reincarnation, whereas it thought that Christianity does not. However, this is not exactly true. Throughout its history many Church Fathers embraced belief in reincarnation. Readings from the book, “Reincarnation for Christians” by Monsignor John W. Sweely Th.D. This is a very interesting book that documents how Christianity is no stranger to the belief in reincarnation.
Yeshu makes a strange reference to the relationship between the heavenly Father and the “son.” While Christianity refers reference to the “son” to Yeshu, as the “son of God,” Yeshu the Jew would not have said such a thing. Rather, Yeshu the jew would have referenced the term “son” as does scripture (in more than one place) itself does. The “son” is question is God's “firstborn son, Israel.” Thus only Israel (the son) knows the Father (in Heaven). This is a statement of the dominance of Judaism.
Yeshu interacts with the Pharisees regarding Sabbath observance. Yeshu talks to the Pharisees like a fellow Pharisee, bring scriptural proofs for his behaviors, (behaviors which are suspicious of clandestine political activity). Man is lord of the Sabbath, this is a Jewish teaching from the Talmud. Yeshu's teachings about Shabat only reflect traditional Jewish (halakhic teachings).
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Matthew, Chapter 12b-13a.
Matthew Couldn't Have Said This, Blasphemy of Holy Spirit is Any Attack on Authentic Judaism, Yeshu's Family, Continued Preparations for Insurrection & War.
Yeshu is consistent as a political agitator, and as a traditional Pharisee. Most of what Yeshu teaches we find similarly in Mishnaic and Talmudic teachings of the day. If Christians only knew that their most sacred Christian teachings were actually Jewish/Talmudic teachings, they would develop a greater respect for Judaism, the religion that Yeshu himself practiced.
Yeshu spoke of the Living Torah and how it is obligatory to follow it, violating the revelations of the Sages was considered a blasphemy of the holy spirit (ruah hakodesh), which Yeshu said would never be forgiven.
Yeshu continues his plans to start a rebellion. We also discuss the ancient ideas that Yeshu concocted the crucifixion and resurrection myth to further his own political agenda. We discuss both legends and conspiracy theories. Is it possible that Yeshu was somehow related to Rabban Yohanan Ben Zakkai?
Did Yeshu have a family? Was he married? According to Torah Law, he would be required to be so. Christian theology would demand it. More discussions about these ideas. Holy Blood, Holy Grail.
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Matthew, Chapter 13b-14a
What's Really Hidden in Yeshu's Parables? Expanding Food and Walking on Water, Miracles, not for Yeshu only!
What is the secret of the Kingdom of Heaven? Why must it be a secret? What's the big deal? If the message is spiritual, then these are valid questions. If, however, the Kingdom of Heaven is indeed the code name for a planned insurrection against Roman rule, then all the secrets, hints and parables suddenly make perfect sense. Over and over again, when read in this light, the parables about the Kingdom make sense and subtle teachings about gathering an army for rebellion. Also, reference is made to the enemies who will not support the revolution, they are to burn.
Whether or not Yeshu actually feed the masses or walked on water is not an issue. To this day, there are Jewish miracle workers who have performed similar types of miracles. Baba Sali performed his own version of “feeding the masses” with his specially blessed bottle of Arak. The Abuhatzera family found, Rabbi Shmuel (?), was known as the “master of the carpet,” for taking a prayer rug, placing it on the water, and traveling upon it out to a ship. Miracles of this nature are indeed possible, but those performing them are still, nevertheless, human beings, and not Divine, or messianic.
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Matthew, Chapter 15-16
Yeshu's typical Pharisaic ways discussing Torah Law.
Yeshu's clear anti-Gentile racism. Hametz, Reincarnation and more.
Yeshu argues with the Pharisees about a point in Jewish Law. He does so just like a Pharisee, which shows just how Jewish Yeshu's comments and thinking actually were.
Yeshu is confronted by a Gentile woman, who he first ignores, and then insults. Such racism is unacceptable then as it is still unacceptable today.
Yeshu mentions to stay away from the 'hametz' of the Pharisees, which some interpret to mean that he condemned the Pharisees as a group, but Matt. 23:2-3 shows that this is not true.
Yeshu is believed to be a reincarnated person from the past, but rather he declares himself to be the supernatural one spoken of in the Book of Enoch.
Was Yeshu preparing the Passover Plot and the Crucifixion hoax? Many believe yes.
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Matthew, Chapter 17-18
The Cross, Originally a Sign of Jewish Martyrdom. Staying Alive, oh Really? Transfiguration, did it really happen? Real Nasty Demons. Unavoidable Taxes. Faith.
Yeshu reveals more of his plans for martyrdom. The cross, before it became a symbol of the Christian religion was originally a symbol of Jewish martyrdom. Yeshu's reference to it is a clear signal calling for his followers to prepare themselves to be martyrs for his cause.
Yeshu says that some living at that time would live to see his kingdom established. Unless someone alive in the 1st century is still alive now in the 21st, it is clear that Yeshu's words are untrue.
The transfiguration, did it really happen? Yeshu said it was all a vision. Was it a dream, was it induced by some substance? The details of the story indicate that indeed it might be so.
Yeshu deals with both psychological demons, and actual ones, seeming to know the difference.
Yeshu pays taxes, and respects the forms of government.
Yeshu continues to prepare his army by demanding from them absolute, unquestioning, unwavering obedience, he calls this the faith of children.
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Matthew, Chapter 19-20
Yeshu, a Talmid of Shammai, more of the Zealot connection.
Yeshu the Rabbi, teaching the same Torah as do other Rabbis.
How to have eternal life? Keep the commandments.
Yeshu answers a question about divorce law, and clearly shows that he sided with the School of Shammai over the House of Hillel, this is significant because the House of Shammai were known Zealots and zealot supporters, this subtle connection reinforces Yeshu's own relationship with the Zealots.
Throughout Yeshu answers like a typical Pharisee Rabbi, this context is so little understood by those without a background in Judaism (like Yeshu himself).
Eternal life is awarded because of obedience to the commandments, nothing else, this is what Yeshu said.
Cultic danger of enticing small children.
More moralistic Rabbinics (musar) about a number of topics.
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Matthew, Chapter 21-22
The Insurrection Unfolds – Yeshu Storms the Temple
Yeshu was a master of imagery. He enters Jerusalem on a donkey to subtly suggest a messianic connection. Then (at least according to this version of the story), he attacks the Temple. Some might call this a terrorist attack. Yet, the money changers are present in the Temple in accordance to the Biblical ordinance (Deut 14). When this event actually happened is debatable.
Yeshu takes advantage of the political leaderships weakness and uses it against them.
He calls for “ba'alei teshuva” to join his fold and to execute his plans that the F.F.B. Would refuse to do.
Comments about paying taxes, Yeshu's sides with the Pharisees against the Sadducees.
David's lord referenced in Psalm 110 is not Mashiah, but someone else, whose identity is revealed herein.
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Matthew, Chapter 23-24a
The Authority & Hypocrisy of the Pharisees. A Failed Prediction about Jerusalem.
Yeshu clearly affirms the Biblical authority of the Rabbinic Sages, and thus the validity of Rabbinic Judaism. Reading from Deut. 17:8-12.
Reference to hypocrisy about Tefillin and Tzitzit. A short review of the laws and history of observance of these mitzvot.
The definition of what is a Rabbi, a decider of Torah law.
The hypocrisy of the Pharisees, not just in Yeshu's words. Reading from the Talmud, Sotah, about the hypocritical Pershim.
Major question about the authenticity of the text with regards to the section about vows. The text does not properly reflect the correct understanding of Torah law in this matter. This is something that Yeshu as a Rabbi was sure to know. It is therefore questionable, if the present version properly reflects his words or those of his fellow Jew, Matthew.
Yeshu and Jerusalem, he falsely predicted that “there shall not be left one stone on top of another.” The Western Wall (Kotel) clearly proves this to be false.
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Matthew, Chapter 24b
Yeshu and the Apocalypse, Pharisaic Messianic Concepts
Yeshu's messianic predictions are nothing new. They merely repeat commonly known, popular Rabbinic teachings of the day.
Many of the Rabbinic messianic teachings from before Yeshu's day, and taught here by him, can also be found in later Judaic literature, such as the Talmud and Zohar.
Parable of the fig tree blossoming, some today interpret to be a reference to the modern State of Israel, but this cannot be, for Yeshu said that the generation alive in his day would see the fulfillment of all these things. Needless to say, this did not come to pass.
This class shows how much of Christian end-times beliefs, are actually Jewish beliefs, still embraced today by the religion of Judaism.
Reference is also made to the modern Christian myth of the rapture, a teaching not found in the Christian Bible.
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Matthew, Chapter 25
Yeshu's Parables about Messianic Readiness and Sacrifice
Yeshu speaks a parable about ten young girls waiting for the groom to show up for his wedding. Looking at this story in historical Jewish context, it seems to echo a Talmudic teaching about Mashiah's sudden appearance. Yet, what does this mean, and why is this important? This lesson explains the original Jewish understanding of this, in light of Yeshu's growing movement for political insurrection.
Yeshu next speaks about three workers who are given funds to invest. Again, this parable only makes sense in light of its historical Jewish context, as is explained.
Finally, Yeshu speaks about the judgment of the nations in the end of days. He makes a very clear point that the nations of the world are judged, not on their faith, not on their doctrines of beliefs, but specifically on how they treated Yeshu's brethren, the Jews. Essentially, Yeshu teaches that entrance to the heavenly kingdom is based upon righteous behavior towards Israel. This lesson explains how Israel includes all twelve tribes, and therefore, persecution of any, be it a known or a lost Israelite, is subject to judgment. Reference is made to Native Americans and African Americans as people who suffered very possibly because they are lost Israelites.
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Matthew, Chapter 26a
Yeshu's “Last Supper,” Betrayal & Arrest, What is Very Strange about this Story
The accounts in chapter 26 contradict one another and clearly betray a non-Jewish later hand that must have edited the original Jewish texts.
When was the Last Supper, the text indicates that it was a Passover Seder, but it is clear, from a Jewish perspective, from the text itself, that this is definitely not so.
Was Judas really a betrayer of Yeshu, or his closest confidant, entrusted to enact his plan to create a supernatural messiah.
Who was Shimon Kipah, and his relationship to the Seder Avodah of Yom Kippur.
The prohibition under Torah Law for Jews to judge one another other than by Jewish Law. The secular authorities of the day, including the High Priest, had no standing or authority to adjudicate. Clearly stated, the Pharisees, were not involved in the alleged arrest and trial of Yeshu. As student of Torah, they would never have violated Torah Law to have attempted to judge Yeshu by anything other than Torah Law.
Yeshu's expressed reticence against his future, but if he were acting out a grandiose Divine plan, there would be no such reticence. This indicates a conflict, and problem within the narrative.
Peter is a bodyguard, armed with a sword. He is quick and capable in its usage. But he is supposed to be a fisherman. Why was he so armed, and well trained. This again hints to the martial nature of Yeshu and his followers.
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Matthew, Chapter 26b-27
The Arrest & Trial of Yeshu – After the Fact Concocted Myths for Pro-Roman, Anti-Jewish Purposes.
This class serves as an introduction into the Gospel rendition of the story.
Readings for this class are from:
The Passover Plot by Hugh Schonfeld
The Trial of Jesus of Nazareth by S.G.F. Brandon
Holy Blood, Holy Grail by M. Baigent, R. Leigh & H. Lincoln
A number of Christian theologians and historians question the historicity of the Gospel account of the arrest and trial of Yeshu. This class reviews these skepticisms.
The purpose of the Gospel renditions is to excoriate the Jews and at the same time exonerate the Romans. However, this revision clearly negates the actual factual evidence so clearly expressed in the readings taken for this class.
This class shows how the skepticism and questions that are raised by Jewish scholarship on this subject are equally shared by many Christian theologians as well.
Reference to the Holy Blood scenario. Was Barabbas the son of Yeshu. Was there a real plot? What was it?
Further proof of Yeshu's apostles being involved with the Zealot movement.
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Matthew, Chapter 26b-27
The Gospel Account of the Arrest & Trial of Yeshu
Clearly there is material is the present rendition that is focused on creating a story that places blame on all Jews for the death of Christ, when in fact, the historical record is glaringly different.
Matthew's text states that scriptures are being fulfilled with the arrest scenario, but so unlike Matthew, who usually quotes the scriptures that he references, here no scriptures are quoted. This is highly suspicious that these words are not from Matthew at all but from a later redactor, with a clear anti-semitic agenda.
A review of Isaiah 53 whether (and how) it refers to the nation of Israel, the messiah, or both.
The trial is a sham, the High Priest in those days was not a judge, or a member of the Sanhedrin.
There were no multitudes of the Jewish people present, only a small band of secular Roman collaborators, loyal to Rome. This small minority (if the scenario as described has any historicity to it), were the only ones who sought to condemn Yeshu, and not for any crime against Judaism, but rather because of his out-spoken opposition to Roman rule.
Pontius Pilate is clearly portrayed in an unhistorical light to make him look good, when in fact he was known to be terribly corrupt and a ruthless hater of Jews and their religion.
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Matthew, Chapter 27b
The Beating and Crucifixion of Yeshu, Versions that Differ from the Orthodox.
2nd Century Christian teacher Basilides claims Yeshu not crucified on cross, but that it was someone else.
The Quran also brings down this tradition. Arabian Jews who influenced Muhammad might very well have been Ebionite/Nazareans, which might explain their betrayal of him. This group caused trouble for Israel, it would only be fitting for them to cause trouble for the Arabs as well.
An in-depth reading from the book, Holy Blood, Holy Grail by M. Baigent, R. Leigh & H. Lincoln.
Was the crucifixion a hoax, many details about the present rendition of the story suggest it is so.
Who was Joseph of Arimathea? Where was Golgotha? Why was yeshu crucified on private property away from the public eye, and not in the normal local for Roman executions?
The two crucified by Yeshu's side were not thieves (whose crime is not punishable by death), but rather they were insurrectionists fighting Rome.
Yeshu was beaten and mocked as the King of the Jews in a typical expression of Jew-hatred, antisemitism, the same which is so common today.
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Matthew, Chapter 27c-28
The “Death” and “Resurrection” of Yeshu, Did Yeshu really speak about a “Trinity”??
An introduction into the Jungian psychological understanding of “myth.” How the stories we believe create our reality, and how said stories, do not need the alignment of details, or the validation of history in order to become psychological truths.
The “death” and “resurrection” of Yeshu are the foundations of the Christian faith. For the Christian, there can be no argument of their being the “gospel truth.” However, for those not embracing the Christian myth, the stories, as presented in Matthew, leave much to question and to doubt.
Judaism does not concern itself with purity of doctrine as does Christianity. Embracing Malachi 1:11, Judaism accepts a pluralism that Christianity does not.
Whether or not Yeshu died and was resurrected has no bearing on anything. Even if it were true, such a phenomena would bear no proof or relationship to the authentic Biblical Jewish Messiah.
The concept of the Trinity in Christianity, as understood and explained by Christians, is one of those differences with Judaism that is irreconcilable. Yet, as discussed herein, it is likely that the Christian understanding of the Trinity is a misunderstanding of the reference to the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. This is discussed in depth, with reference to the Kabbalistic Jewish teachings about the Sefirot.
This lesson concludes our study in the Book of Matthew.
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